Content Marketing

Engage with your contact through Content Marketing

Small business marketing used to be fairly simple: Place ads in the local paper—or a few spots on radio or television—find a good location for your storefront, ask for referrals, and then wait for the business to come to you. That’s all changed. With unlimited information just clicks away on smartphones, tablets and laptops, your customers have become active investigators. They do their own research, bypassing ads in favour of information relevant to their needs. Whether it’s customer reviews, articles or videos, they’re looking for whatever helps them learn something useful.

In fact, according to one widely cited study by the technology company CEB, B2B buyers these days are already 57 percent of the way through their decision-making process before they even speak with a supplier.

Content Marketing engages with prospects and customers

Content Isn’t About Fooling Customers

Most customers (77 percent) know full well that companies offering content hope to sell them a product. That being said, 73 percent prefer hearing from you through content rather than ads. Source: Content Marketing Institute

Making Content Work

This may seem like a tall order—if not a major headache. Where are you
going to find the time (let alone the cash) for a content program, when running
your business takes everything you’ve got? It doesn’t have to be Shakespeare, but you do need to create contents that will engage, inspire, inform and educate your audiance.

5 First Steps to a Great Content Plan

While 77 percent of B2C small businesses say they have a content strategy, just 27 percent have taken the time to document it.

Step 1: Identify your goals
Step 2: Consider what to cover—and how
Step 3: Set a budget
Step 4: Take stock of available resources
Step 5: Selecting a content team

Ready to Launch:

You’ve got a team in place, a firm idea of where you’re going and you’re getting ready to
crank out great content. Congratulations! Now’s the time to do everything you can to make
sure the content sparkles, hits home and helps you turn prospects into customers and existing customers into advocates for your brand.

Find out more about how Content Marketing can work in your business


A practical guide to using content marketing to generate sales-ready leads, convert them into paying customers and nurture brand ambassadors.

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Find out more about the process of LifeCycle Marketing and how it can apply to your business.